We're open Wednesdays and Saturdays 10a-2p; 2nd Saturdays we're open 10a-4p; Clay class is Tues 2-4:30p and 5-7p e, Oil Painting Class Sat 10A-1P; Music Jam Session is Thurs 6p-8p; New Bob Ross Wet on Wet Painting with Andy Taylor, April 20 at 6:30p
Jefferson Arts Gallery, Inc February 28, 2024 Minutes
Meeting was called to order on Wednesday February 28 at 11:00am.
Members present: Rosemary Anderman, Nancy Miller, Bill Moon, Vicky Gallina, Susan Rissman, Kristi Rosende Bob Copper, Jan Munn, Judy Miller. Motion to accept minutes of January meeting was made by Judy Miller and seconded by Bob Copper.
Treasurers Report: Balance in The First was reported by Treasurer Susan Rissman. We paid our Annual FL Sales tax was $683.48. January sales was $200.00 and Bing brought in $20.00. Go Fund account for roof to date is $390.0. Roof expense has been quoted at $30.000.00+ OLD BUSINESS: Dana Crosby volunteered to set up Go Fund Me for roof – Thank you Dana Joe Roache show continues
June-August will be our summer show “
Opening of exhibits will now be on the 2nd Saturday of the month. This will coincide with Downtown Monticello’s 2nd Saturday events and the artist will be present at that time. The Wednesday before will be a soft opening.
Scarf Class has been scheduled for March 13, class will be taught by Susan Rissman cost is $35.00 scarves will be 8x54; students will design 2 scarves
Pastel classes and clay classes and Bob Ross class taught by Andy Taylor are on going.
SHOW SCHEDULES March – Ann Hemple April – Student Show and Flea Across Florida May – Leslie Peebles June- August Member Summer Show September TBD October TBD November- December Holiday Show November 16 – Annual Arts & Crafts Festival
Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 pm upon motion by Vicky Gallina and seconded Nancy Mills