We're open Wednesdays and Saturdays 10a-2p; 2nd Saturdays we're open 10a-4p; Clay class is Tues 2-4:30p and 5-7p e, Oil Painting Class Sat 10A-1P; Music Jam Session is Thurs 6p-8p; New Bob Ross Wet on Wet Painting with Andy Taylor, April 20 at 6:30p
Jefferson Arts Gallery, Inc. May 31, 2023 Minutes Meeting called to order on by Rosemary Anderman at 11:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Miller, Rosemary Anderman, Patty Vickers, Kristi Rosende, Nathaniel Pye; Bob Copper and Dana Crosby were call-ins.. TREASURERS REPORT: Report unavailable at time of meeting. We are current on all bills. OLD BUSINESS: August will be our 25th Anniversary and a potluck will be held during the last summer show in August. NEW BUSINESS: Comments on Terence S. Hughes work was wonderful, fascinating, very cerebral. Bob Ross painting class being taught by Andy Taylor, Andy will do a demo class on June 24th at 11:30am at gallery. Andy will teach a class on Thursday, July 13 from 6-9 pm. Winn Dixie is running a campaign on buying tote bags and Jefferson Arts will receive a $1.00 for each bag purchased. Soap making class is scheduled for June 10 and again on July 11 from 2p-5p. We are looking for instructors for a color pencil class. The Watermelon Festival Crawlschedule did not show, Jefferson Arts on list for site to visit , but we will be open till 4 pm and pass our water. International Sketch Crawl will be art from last years crawl. October 28th has been set as our annual fine arts and craft festival, we already have 4 spots sold. We are looking for a theme for our annual Christmas show and sale, so put on your thinking caps. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned.
Jefferson Arts Gallery, Inc April 26, 2023 Minutes Meeting was called to order on Wednesday April 26, 2023 at 11:00am. Members present: Susan Rissman, Patty Vickers, Kristi Rosende, Rosemary Anderman, Judy Miller. Motion to accept minutes of February meeting was made by Judy Millerand seconded by Susan Rissman.
Treasurers Report: Balance in The First was reported by Treasurer Susan Rissman. Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report was made by Judy Miller and seconded by Patty Vickers. Expenses for the month were a new a/c unit $3200.00. new printer and web site fees. March sales were $2599.99 with center collecting $505.62. OLD BUSINESS: 2023 will be 25th JAG Anniversary; potluck will be held during last Saturday summer show in August NEW BUSINESS: May show is Terence S. Hughes paintings. June-August will be our summer show “Memories” Andy Taylor is set for June 10th, so do a Bob Ross painting class Lou Schneider would like to have an October workshop for Breast Cancer Awareness where bras would be decorated by members and auctioned off with proceeds going to Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer foundation. More information to be available at a later date. Opening of exhibits will now be on the 2nd Saturday of the month. This will coincide with Downtown Monticello’s 2nd Saturday events.
SHOW SCHEDULES June- September Member Summer Show “Memories September …”Animals” in conjunction with Humane Society Benefit Juliann Anderson 1-786-412-2923 October International Sketch Crawl with Featured local Artists October 28 Annual Craft Festival November- December Holiday Show January 2024 Fiber Arts February 2024 AfroAmerican Artist March 2024 Anne Hemple April 2024 Student Art Show May 2024 Leslie Peeples/along with artist from Pensacola with “enamels” Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 pm upon motion by Kristy Rosende and seconded Rosemary Anderman No meeting in March due to Tornado warning
February 22, 2023 Minutes Meeting was called to order on Wednesday February 22, 2023 at 11:00am. Members present: Bill Moon, Bob Copper, Susan Rissman, Cheryl Gifford, Vickie Gilliam, Kathy French, Patty Vickers, Kristi Rosende and Rosemary Anderman. Motion to accept minutes of January meeting was made by Bob Copper and seconded by Kristy Rosende. Treasurers Report: Balance in The First was reported by Treasurer Susan Rissman. Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report was made by Bill Moon and seconded by Patty Vickers. Reminded that on receipts from the gift shop/gallery should include the artist’s name, mark whether cash/credit in boxes on receipt, and being careful not to tear off the receipt number on the white copy (JAG copy) OLD BUSINESS: Current gallery show update – Nathaniel Pye -The North Florida Dream of a Native Son: This is My Place, These are My People Winn Dixie Community Shopping Bag campaign netted $19 as did Bing for January donation Valentine’s Day student workshop was held Sat 2/11 making clay ornaments, and wind chimes 2023 will be 25th JAG Anniversary; potluck will be held during last Saturday summer show in August NEW BUSINESS: Lou Schneider would like to have an October workshop for Breast Cancer Awareness where bras would be decorated by members and auctioned off with proceeds going to Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer foundation. More information to be available at a later date. Opening of exhibits will now be on the 2nd Saturday of the month. This will coincide with Downtown Monticello’s 2nd Saturday events. It was suggested to also have a table in downtown Monticello at Amy McDaniels shop next to the Post Office; thus encouraging visits to the gallery The Jefferson County School Board is looking to divest itself of those properties not directly associated with student education (JAG, Building A, the old gym are examples). The School Board would be giving up its lease and turning the building over to either its lessee or the county. JAG would be the likely recipient of this gift. If JAG owns building, then there’s the likelihood of applying/receiving historical grants for building renovation/repair. Flea Across Florida will be April 14-15 SHOW SCHEDULES March Patty Vickers “Scenes of Nature” April Student Art Show May Featured Guest Artist TBD June- September Member Summer Show “Memories September …”Animals” in conjunction with Humane Society Benefit Juliann Anderson 1-786-412-2923 October International Sketch Crawl with Featured local Artists October TBD Annual Craft Festival November- December Holiday Show
Meeting Adjourned at 12:30 pm upon motion by Kristy Rosende and seconded by Bob Copper